If you or your children are in immediate danger, move to a safe location, and dial 911; Here are some suggested locations

Many of you think, "There is no point to reporting domestic violence. Nothing will change, and I will just be hurt more"... In Jersey CIty, that is simply NOT true!!!!
As noted by Mayor Fulop, we’re the only municipality in NJ that offers a free domestic violence program for offenders via our muni court.
It’s is called the Peaceful Families program. It is 27 weeks long program and a very intensive class. About 90% of all defendants are required to participate as a prerequisite to disposition of their case.
If the defendant needs additional services, such as substance abuse counseling, the program assists with that referral.
Many of the dv defendants have mental health issues as well. So, those defendants get transferred to mental health court and receive both dv counseling and mental health services- such as medication management, psychiatric evaluations, counseling, etc.
Please reach out to the following resources for help...
WomenRising, New Jersey’s designated domestic violence programming provider in Hudson County, based in Jersey City. Services include a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter and crisis intervention. Call 201-333-5700, email info@womenrising.org or visit at 270 Fairmount Avenue, Jersey City, Monday – Friday, no appointment needed.
Sarah’s Daughter, a domestic violence awareness organization, also based in Jersey City. Provides advocacy, counseling, case management and other services. Call 732-318-4116 or 551-339-9516, email info@sarahsdaughtersdva.org, or visit 317 Pacific Avenue, Jersey City, Monday-Friday, no appointments needed except for Monday.
Manavi, an organization focused on helping South Asian people facing violence, based in New Brunswick. Provides services such as advocacy, counseling transitional housing and more. Call 732-435-1414 or email manavi@manavi.org.
National Domestic Violence Hotline, call 800-799-7233.
Healthier JC Pertnre DIrectory is a great place to find all sorts of assistance. For focused Mental Health online resources, see here
Victims can also report domestic violence to their local police department and file for a restraining order.